Ferretti has always had, as part of its DNA, a vocation for research, innovation and a perfect combination of the latter with design, to guarantee high-end space functionality and comfort on board. This is why - in 1989 - the Engineering Division, AYT&D – Advanced Yacht Technology & Design as of today, was established, a centre specialising in new craft design as standard and in the search for new materials, equipped with cutting-edge technologies and unique in the yachting industry, not only in Italy. The experience accrued over the years thanks to Offshore competitions has allowed us to transfer the results of technological research conducted for sports competition to standard production.
Over the years Ferretti has introduced innovative solutions which have shaped pleasure yachting worldwide: the up-and-over window between salon and cockpit, the underwater discharge and F-tdr (Ferretti trim and drag reduction) systems. Most recently, mention should be made of the air bag for anchor chains, the hull windows, XFT technology (Cross Fibre Technology), monitoring and control systems (NaviOp and Gi8), as well as of the revolutionary ARG (Anti Rolling Gyros): this is a gyroscopic device which, using the movement of a rotor, substantially reduces rolling on yachts. Comfort on board is ensured by maximum attention paid to noise emissions: indeed Ferretti is the first shipyard to have certified its craft according to the ISO14509 standard two years before it entered into force.
In 2005 Poseidon, the largest 5-axis milling machine in Europe for model building, has been inaugurated. Thanks to cooperation with partner companies on technology, it has been possible to develop increasingly innovative systems: Smart Command with the Easy Dock and Auto Troll functions, which ensures maximum stability of the yacht, as a result of research work conducted together with ZF. This paved the way for Fer.WEY and Hybrid Propulsion, both systems patented by Ferrettigroup. Fer.Wey – Ferretti Wave Efficient Yacht – is a trans-planing keel which allows for extremely comfortable and energy-efficient sailing within medium-speed ranges, at the same time also reducing to a minimum both rolling and stern wake formation. This kind of keel makes the yacht extremely stable in terms of longitude, without any perceptible trim alteration as the speed changes. Hybrid Propulsion is a highly innovative system which includes five operating modes; it is the first system ever to have allowed for navigation at “Zero Emission Mode” on a yacht longer than 20 metres.
More recent projects are Autotrim, an automated system to adjust surface propellers and optimise speed, fuel use and trim, and SteerCommand & JMS which replaces traditional hydraulic steering and reduces the steering diameter by half. The most recent innovation is the Floodable Garage, introduced for the first time on the Ferretti Yachts 960, which makes it possible to haul a tender with the utmost ease. Other recent patents include the DMT - Dual Mode Transom - also in the stern area, and the Convertible Top which easily transforms an open into a convertible model.
Para Ferretti Yachts, la comodidad es una vocación, que subyace en todas las elecciones en términos de diseño o estilo. Comfort significa seguridad. Ferretti Yachts, de hecho, es totalmente compatible con la Directiva 94/25 ECC, así como tener todos sus yates "Océano" certificados como clase "A", que garantiza la fuerza y la seguridad del casco en cualquier condición de navegación, una característica única para una embarcación oscilarán entre 16 metros y 29 metros. Seguridad significa también la sala ergonómico motor que permite el acceso a los equipos y el mantenimiento del motor con la máxima facilidad, tanques muy fuertes, para evitar cualquier tipo de fuga y se coloca en el centro del barco para un mejor ajuste de la nave, un sistema eléctrico cuidadosamente instalado para evitar cualquier posible defecto, una pantalla para el control inmediato de todas las funciones de a bordo; fácil de dirección está garantizada por soluciones que hacen posible dirigir y amarrar con extrema facilidad y precisión.
Comfort también abarca el concepto de diseño inteligente, proporcionando soluciones ergonómicas que garantizan el aislamiento acústico de la zona del motor, sistemas de aire acondicionado para la temperatura personalizada en cada habitación individual, los sistemas de estabilización para reducir rodar a bordo. Las grandes ventanas, diseñadas para cumplir con los más altos estándares de seguridad, ofrecen contacto único con el mar, visible también de cada cabina. Comfort también significa armonía en los espacios y materiales, materias primas de primerísima calidad de gama alta que garantizan un producto moderno y funcional sin tiempo, sin embargo. La habitabilidad a bordo está garantizada por soluciones diseñadas para optimizar todo el espacio disponible, gracias a la habilidad de Zuccon Internacional Estudio de Proyectos y de los arquitectos de los astilleros que trabajan con todo su entusiasmo por Ferretti Yachts, todos los días.